Register for an account
To use Plausible Analytics, you need to register an account. To explore the product, we offer you a free 30-day trial. No credit card is required to sign up for the trial.
You can test all the different features and use Plausible on multiple sites during the trial. Plausible is so lightweight that you can run it alongside Google Analytics without any negative impact on your site's performance.
Fill in your full name and email address, choose your account password and click on the "Start my free trial" button.

Verify your email address
We'll send you an email to verify your email address. Look for an email with the subject line "Your Plausible email verification code".
Please enter the four digit code that we sent to you through email to activate your Plausible Analytics account.
Don't see this email in your inbox? Please check your spam folder and whether you've typed in the correct email address. Contact us if the problem persists.